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Cage Aquaculture Submissions

GBA continues to press the DFO on aquaculture regulatory concerns

GBA’s Aquaculture committee has written to the federal Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) to ask that they review the industry’s expansion plans and compliance with the Great Lakes Water Quality/Canada-Ontario agreements. Open net pen fish farms are not permitted in the US Great Lakes states.

Read the letters:

GBA Submission to Newly Appointed Ministers Concerning Cage Aquaculture in Georgian Bay

GBA has recently reached out to newly appointed ministers; The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Canada Coast Guard and The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada regarding the need for a coordinated effort in the oversight of cage aquaculture operations in Georgian Bay.

Read the letter here: GBA Letter to Ministers Murray and Guilbeault – Jan 17 2022

GBA submission on the proposed project list for comprehensive environmental assessments under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA)

The GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission Comprehensive EA – Nov 20 2020


GBA Submission on the Proposed Changes to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to Modernize Ontario’s Approach to Licensing Aquaculture

The GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA submission on ERO # 019-1502 – Nov 18 2020

GBA Submission on 

GBA is imploring the MECP to recategorize Environmental Assessment (EA) Category assigned to the aquaculture operations in Georgian Bay and the North Channel.

The GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission on Class EA for MNRF RSFD Aug 28 2020

Add as first line: The second GBA submission can be viewed here: [link to attached]

Change: The first GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission to DFO – Proposed Aquaculture Act Dec 3 2019

GBA Submissions on Aquaculture Act

The second GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission on the Aquaculture Act – Jan 15 2021
The GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission to DFO – Proposed Aquaculture Act – Dec 3 2019

The relevant attachments can be viewed here:

GBA Submission on Draft Canada-Ontario Agreement

September 4, 2019

The Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Heath is the federal-provincial agreement that outlines how the government of Canada and Ontario provincial ministries coordinate their efforts to protect and conserve the Great Lakes ecosystem. This agreement is important as it binds Ontario into the provisions of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the US. Accordingly, GBA pulled together a comprehensive submission to address the many issues and action items that affect Georgian Bay. In addition to input from many of your GBA directors, particularly Claudette Young on the aquaculture content, we would like to thank: the Township of the Archipelago; and Georgian Bay Forever, Georgian Bay Land Trust and Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve for their efforts on your behalf in helping GBA assemble our submission.

The GBA submission can be viewed here: GBA submission on draft Canada Ontario Agreement sep 4 2019

The relevant aquaculture attachments can be viewed here:

  1. Ontario Aquaculture Research Priorities Roundtable 2019
  2. Excerpts from ECO (2000-2006) Revolving Issues
  3. Michigan Ministries Report to not permit cage aquaculture March 2016


GBA Submission on Bill C-68

March 31, 2019

Bill C-68 is an amendment to the Canada Fisheries Act designed to secure better environmental protection for fish and their habitats. GBA put together a comprehensive submission detailing concerns regarding open-cage aquaculture operations in Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, specifically the unsustainability of the operations and their breach of certain conditions of the proposed Bill C-68. In addition, GBA recommended two additional provisions be included in the Bill to enhance the protection of the Great Lakes aquatic ecosystems.

The GBA Submission can be viewed here: GBA Submission to Senate Committee Bill C68 Mar 31 2019

The relevant attachments can be viewed here:

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