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Lands & Forests

Committee Mandate:

To investigate and advise the Board about new and emerging issues affecting the Bay in the area of flora, fauna, invasive terrestrial species and air quality.

To liaise with groups such as GBLT, GBB and the GBA Wind committee whose chair shall also sit on this committee.


To conduct background research that clarifies the dimensions and environmental policy of issues concerning flora, fauna, invasive terrestrials and air quality.

To present a budget and work plan for Board approval at the beginning of the year and to manage the activities of the Committee within that budget.

To present recommendations for Board action, together with rationales based on the research.

To prepare and submit articles in support of the above for publication in Update, on the GBA website or social media.Committee Members

Chair: Richard Wilson
Katherine Denune
Freda Klassen

Available Documents:

Important Links

Lab Bird Cams Virtual Bird Watching at its Best! Click here!

What does the lynx say? This incredible video offers a rare glimpse of a Canada Lynx in its natural habitat.
Click here!

Be Bear Wise

At the cottage: Do not feed the birds or any wild animals. Dispose of garbage often – municipal dumpsters or landfill and eliminate odours from garbage containers (freeze fish & meat or use secure, bear resistant containers is disposal is delayed. Keep the BBQ grill and drip tray clean. Feed pets indoors – not on deck or porch. Do not leave food out on tables or counter tops – not even if packaged. Do not leave candles, lotions, insect repellents or other fragrant products outside or near open windows or doors.     While walking/hiking Take a whistle, air horn, bear spray,...



RATTLER LESSON – by Jim Bowden I was bitten by a rattlesnake earlier this summer. My experience is worth telling. There are lessons to be learned, or at least reinforced. Even for a healthy adult, getting to a hospital post haste can be incredibly important – far more important than I had realized before this incident – and having a “plan” in place can save a life. Also, I for one was truly impressed by how terrific the service was at our local hospitals for what was a life-threatening circumstance.  We need these facilities, and we should be grateful to have them and their trained...


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July 2024

US Relaxes Requirements for Dogs Crossing Border After Pushback from Canada

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has eased its requirements for dogs entering the country from Canada, following criticism from Canadian authorities, veterinarians and pet owners. Canadian authorities, pet owners, and veterinarians asserted that the previous requirements were too restrictive and would cause unnecessary delays at border crossings. New Requirements: Health certificates are no longer required for personal travel with dogs Rabies vaccination proof is still necessary, but can be in the form of a record from a licensed veterinarian (no specific timeframe mentioned) These eased requirements should facilitate smoother travel for dogs and their owners between Canada and the US.  Read more here.

July 2024

July 21 Water Levels Report

Lake Michigan-Huron remains at one inch above its level at this time last year. - From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St Clair, Erie & Ontario & are up 3, 3, 4, 1 & 5 inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, & Ontario are lower by 6 & 4 inches, respectively, and Lakes Michigan-Huron, St Clair & Erie are up 1, 2 & 2 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St Clair, Erie & Ontario are 0, 5, 13, 11 & 1 inches, respectively, above their long-term July average. All the lakes remain well below their July record highs. - In a month’s time Lakes Superior is expected to rise 1 inch, and Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie &

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