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Coastal Protection Committee

Coastal Protection Committee


The purpose of this committee is to review information, concerns and issues that relate to various matters regarding coastal protection of the east and north coasts of Georgian Bay (plus the Bay of Islands) and provide recommendations to the GBA board on action needed. The GBA board makes all decisions in this respect. It is envisaged that new matters will arise over time. This will be a dynamic committee that will bring forward new ideas and assist GBA in developing strategies to address coastal protection issues. A good description would be a “think tank”.


Current membership:

Residents/GBA members to align with populations in each area: In place Outstanding
  Township of Georgian Bay (TGB) 2
  Township of the Archipelago (ToA) 2
  Carling 1
  Coastal unorganized Townships north of ToA and south of Killarney 1
  Killarney 1
  NEMI 1
Municipalities – 1 rep from each of the 5 municipalities
  TGB, ToA, Carling, Killarney and NEMI 4 1
GBA – President and Executive Director 2   
Total 14 1

Current Matters/Projects

  1. Strategic Plans, Official Plans and Bylaws Review Project 
  2. ToA site alteration bylaw review and consideration by other municipalities
  3. Septics Inspection/Management
  4. Developing a Planning Policies and Regulations Guide for GBA members
  5. Creating a GBA Planning Fund 
  6. Assembling a planning consultants and expertise database for municipalities
  7. Macey Bay proposed trailer park project in TGB
  8. Brandy’s Cove proposed onsite sewage processing in TGB
  9. Ontario Government Action on removing environmental protections
  10. TGB – open LPAT hearings
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