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UPDATE Schedule & Advertising


UPDATE is published three times a year and the schedule for material, advertisements and joint mailings is as follows:

Issue Advertising Bookings1 Advertisements & Copy Deadline1 Mailing List Deadline2 Joint Mailing3 Deadlines Target4 Publication Date
Spring January 3 January 10 January 17 January 31 February 10
Summer April 3 April 10 April 17 May 1 May 11
Fall August 28 September 7 September 14 September 28 October 5


  • Please see Advertise section of this website for full details.
  • This refers to the members mailing lists which need to be sent by most GBA member associations to Shannon Farquharson, Communications and Administrative Coordinator, Georgian Bay Association, 138 Hopedale Avenue, Toronto, ON M4K 3M7, 416-937-4990
  • This refers to those member associations of GBA who provide material, such as their newsletter, that is mailed out together with UPDATE and who need to get this material to GBA’s distribution service company. For details of the cost and how this works please contact the Editor of UPDATE.
  • GBA uses its best efforts to meet the target publication date – the date on which UPDATE is mailed/distributed – but is not responsible for any delay or any earlier publication date.

Georgian Bay Association
UPDATE Newsletter
Advertising opportunities

The Value of Advertising in GBA UPDATE

  1. Ability to reach around 3,000 families and their decision makers who can afford to buy and likely have a need for your product!
  2. Your Ad is placed in a quality publication where we aim to have no more than 25% advertising content.
  3. Most of our members are couples but other family members and visitors read GBA UPDATE as it is viewed as a trusted and authoritative source of information on issues affecting Georgian Bay. It tends to live for months on coffee table at people’s homes and cottages. A recent survey established that we reach over 30,000 Georgian Bay residents.
  4. GBA UPDATE is also posted on our GBA website where even more readers can see it and your ads!
  5. Your ad is also featured on our website at no additional cost.
  6. Your placement of an advertisement in GBA UPDATE will help the GBA in its efforts to protect the Georgian Bay Area and allow it to be enjoyed by many for years to come.

Publishing Dates And Deadlines

UPDATE is published 3 times each year and the timing and deadlines are as follows:

UPDATE is published 3 times each year and the timing and the deadlines are as follows:

Issue Publication Date Material Deadline
Spring Mid-February Mid-January
Summer Mid-May Mid-April
Fall Mid-October Mid-September

Our Rates

Per Insertion Fee (Plus HST)

Ad size One insertion Three Insertions
Full Page $2,300 $2,000
Half Page $1,300 $1,150
Quarter Page $700 $650

Since GBA is a not-for-profit corporation, no agency commission can be offered.
For full-page advertisements a ‘bleed’ optional is acceptable

Ask us about our new Digital and Social Media options!

Advertising Reservations

Reservations and space inquiries should be directed to:

Armin Grigaitis
GBA Advertising Manager

Advertising Materials

Materials are requested to be sent in Mac Formatted Files including all links and fonts to:
JCL design ( Tel.: (705) 636-7319
1462 Fern Glen Road, Fax.: (705) 636-7320
RR#1, Emsdale, ON P0A 1J0

Advertising Specifications for GBA UPDATE

Width x Height:

  • Trim size of GBA Update publication= 8.5″ x 11″
  • Quarter Vertical page = 4″ x 5″
  • Quarter Horizontal page = 8″ x 2.625″
  • Half Vertical page = 4″ x 10.5″
  • Half Horizontal page = 8″ x 5.25″
  • Full page = 8.5″ x 11″ (live area= 7″ x 10″)

Ad Format:

For best reproduction, ads can be supplied in the following formats:

  • Press-Ready PDF (should be sized to booking specs)
  • Adobe InDesign CS2 or earlier
  • Adobe Illustrator CS2 or earlier
  • Quark Xpress 6.1 or earlier

Other formats will be accepted but may incur design fees. Unless a PDF is supplied, include fonts and supporting graphic files.

Graphic Formats

Pixel-based image elements (photos) can be saved as uncompressed JPEG, TIF or EPS files, and should be minimum of 300 dpi. Vector-based graphic elements (logos) can be supplied as EPS. These files are resolution-independent.


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