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Septic System: GBA Guide, Management and Inspection

The GBA Septic System Guide 

The GBA has published a Septic System Guide, which provides GBA members and other Georgian Bay residents with practical information on septic systems used in the Georgian Bay area and helps you make informed decisions about your septic system.

The guide covers:

  • Different types of septic systems in Ontario 
  • Pros and cons of each type 
  • Septic systems permitted in Georgian Bay 
  • Considerations and information for  evaluating your septic system needs
    • Ontario Building Code (OBC), municipal bylaws, financial investment, site conditions, and annual use and capacity 
  • How to inspect and maintain your septic system 

Documents available:

The septic system guide and deliverables have been developed to be used as an additional resource for GBA members, not to replace the OBC, municipal bylaws and professional advice. 

Estimates are that 70% of private septic systems in Ontario are not functioning properly. Better education of property owners and effective municipal inspection programs are needed. GBA will be proposing best practices to coastal municipalities and members. The risk of high water levels on Georgian Bay makes acting on septic systems more urgent for addressing potential saturation and overflow that can cause seepage of bacteria and nutrients into the water.

All residents should ensure that their septic system is well maintained and in good working order. The Ontario statistics on the state of private septic systems in the province highlight the need for vigilance and robust municipal inspection programs.  GBA action will be aimed at reducing the risks to the quality of the water where people swim and draw their water supply.

What is GBA doing?

  • GBA has compiled materials to inform and educate residents on septic issues, such as determining vulnerability, inspections & maintenance, and potential solutions to mitigate the risk of contamination.
  • GBA is reviewing septic inspection methodologies in comparable municipalities to identify what works and what doesn’t and will share this information with the coastal municipalities to establish successful inspection programs that will help ensure septic systems are being properly maintained.

What can you do?

  • Learn more about your septic system and keep it well maintained.
  • Have your system inspected if you have a low-lying bed or your current system is over 20 years old

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