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Georgian Bay Vision 2050 Project

Bringing communities and stakeholders together to develop a vision for protecting the Georgian Bay coast and natural environment into the future.  

Georgian Bay is a treasured destination known for its natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and rich cultural heritage. However, the region lacks a comprehensive conservation planning framework, leaving it vulnerable to rapid growth and development pressures.

The Need for a Regional Conservation Framework

Ontario’s population is projected to increase by 50% between 2019 and 2050, intensifying development pressures around Georgian Bay.

Ontario lacks a regional policy framework that promotes conservation and environmental protection, unlike the Niagara Escarpment and the Greenbelt for example. A patchwork of provincial policies, park regulations, divergent municipal by-laws, NGO projects and First Nations governance is in place on the Bay today. This fragmented approach fails to provide adequate protection for the future of Georgian Bay. We need a new regional approach to ensure the long-term protection of this world-class natural asset.

Project Overview

The Georgian Bay Vision 2050 Project aims to develop a vision and concept proposal for the eastern and northern Georgian Bay coastal area. Our mission is to conserve and protect the unique natural environment, ecosystems and biodiversity of the eastern and northern coasts of Georgian Bay in perpetuity, while supporting sustainable communities. In response to development pressures and other threats, the project will set out the rationale, policies and actions to achieve this objective.

Key Objectives

  • To develop a policy framework for conservation planning and environmental protection for the region into the future.
    • In phase 1 we are retaining a reputable, highly credible planning and environmental team to write a position paper to identify best practice approaches and promote the need for a regional vision and plan for the coast.
  • Share our findings with governments, regional municipalities, Indigenous communities and other NGOs. 
  • Expand conservation of natural and environmentally valuable areas and improve protection of these areas with stronger and more consistent policies
  • Strengthen planning standards in municipal official plans and zoning by-laws
Coastal protection is at the heart of GBA’s mandate and the Vision 2050 project aims to fill a recognized gap in Ontario’s planning framework. Our position paper will be the catalyst for bringing stakeholders together to ensure the protection of Georgian Bay for the next generation.

Get Involved

You can support our mission to protect Georgian Bay for future generations by: 

  • Helping to spread awareness and knowledge of this project in your local member association and Georgian Bay community.
  • Contribute ideas to your local member association on how to better protect our coastal region while meeting the needs of local communities, residents and visitors.
  • Participate in our upcoming member survey on Vision 2050 issues.
  • Consider a contribution to the Vision 2050 Fund in memory of Wally King

Learn More

  • Check out our Frequently Asked Questions here
  • View the Vision 2050 slide deck here.
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