Lake Michigan-Huron remains 11 inches below its level at this time last year. From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are down 3, 2, 6, 2 & 0inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are lower by 6, 11, 17, 14 & 10 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lake Erie is 1 inch above the long-term February average, andLakes Superior, Lake Michigan-Huron, Lake St. Clair & Lake Ontario are 8, 8, 4 & 7 inches below their long-term January averages. All the lakes remain well below their February record highs. In a month, Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are expected to rise by 0, 1, 10, 5 & 5 inches, respectively
Lake Michigan-Huron remains 11 inches below its level at this time last year. From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are down 3, 2, 21, 2 & 1 inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are lower by 7, 11, 24, 13 & 9 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lake Erie is 2 inches above the long-term February average, and Lakes Superior, Lake Michigan-Huron, St. Clair & Ontario are 8, 8, 11 & 6 inches below their long-term February averages. All the lakes remain well below their February record highs. In a month, Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, Lakes St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are expected to rise by 0, 1, 17, 4 & 5 inches, resp
We are writing to express our deep concern over the Ontario government’s decision to allocate up to $285 million in taxpayer funds for cost estimates and environmental assessments to advance the TC Energy pumped storage project in Meaford. - The Georgian Bay Association (GBA) represents 18 community associations along the east and north shores of Georgian Bay. This includes four municipalities—Township of The Archipelago, Township of Georgian Bay, Town of Parry Sound, and McDougall—that have passed resolutions opposing the project due to concerns about its far-reaching impacts on the greater Georgian Bay region. - While we acknowledge the government's intent to address energy demands, GBA has serious concerns about the proposed project's costs to taxpayers and risks to water qual
Lake Michigan-Huron remains 11 inches below its level at this time last year. - From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are down 3, 2, 21, 2 & 1 inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are lower by 7, 11, 24, 13 & 9 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lake Erie is 2 inches above the long-term February average, and Lakes Superior, Lake Michigan-Huron, St. Clair & Ontario are 8, 8, 11 & 6 inches below their long-term February averages. All the lakes remain well below their February record highs. In a month, Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, Lakes St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are expected to rise by 0, 1, 17, 4 & 5 inches,
Illinois Governor, JB Pritzker, has put the brakes on a $1.2 billion project at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam aimed at keeping invasive carp out of the Great Lakes, citing concerns that President Donald Trump's administration may not cover the federal government's share of the costs. - The project, which involves installing technologies such as bubble curtains, electric fields, and sound frequencies to deter and stun carp before they can enter Lake Michigan, has been in development since 2020. Governor Pritzker is seeking written assurances from the federal government that it will provide the necessary funding before proceeding, to prevent the state from being on the hook for the project's costs. - The Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet, Illinois, is the
Over the years, the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) has led the charge in educating boaters on the dangers of cold-water immersion. Despite these efforts, drowning incidents still occur, even in warmer waters, with boaters, regardless of swimming ability, losing their lives after falling overboard. To address this ongoing issue, The Shock Factor was launched as a three-year national campaign aimed at reducing drowning incidents and improving Search and Rescue outcomes by revealing how vulnerable boaters are to drowning during accidental immersion. The Premise Behind the Shock Factor The primary goal of The Shock Factor experiments was to challenge misconceptions about lifejacket use. Many boaters excuse not wearing a lifejacket, citing reasons like confidence, swimming ability
It's Snowmobile Safety Week and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) are urging all snowmobilers to prioritize safety. Over the past decade, 145 snowmobilers have died in OPP jurisdictions, with excessive speed, alcohol impairment, inattention, and lack of helmet use being the main causes. Frozen waterways are particularly dangerous, accounting for nearly 40% of fatalities. Riders are encouraged to avoid frozen lakes and rivers and use OFSC's trail network, supported by real-time status updates through the Interactive Trail Guide (ITG). Accessing closed trails is illegal. The OPP conducts snowmobile patrols and enforces safety through its Snowmobile, ATV, and Vessel Enforcement (S.A.V.E.) teams to reduce accidents and fatalities. O
Lake Michigan-Huron is now 11 inches below its level at this time last year. From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are down 4, 2, 9, 4 & 1 inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are lower by 6, 11, 16, 14 & 10 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lakes St. Clair & Erie are 0 & 3 inches above their long-term January averages, and Lakes Superior, Lake Michigan-Huron & Ontario are 7, 7 & 6 inches below their long-term January averages. All the lakes remain well below their January record highs. In a month, Lakes Superior & Michigan-Huron are expected to fall by 1 & 0 inches, respectively. Lakes St. Clair, Erie &
A recent study published in Nature Medicine has found microplastics in human brains, accumulating over time to the equivalent of a plastic spoon! Researchers at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences have detected microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) in human kidney, liver, and brain tissues. The research, which analyzed post-mortem samples, found that brain tissues harbored higher concentrations of MNPs, primarily consisting of polyethylene. The study also revealed that dementia patients had up to 10 times the amount of plastic in their brains compared to others. Alarmingly, researchers found a 50% increase in microplastic levels in brain tissue samples over the past eight years, and a significant increase in MNP concentrations in liver and brain samples from 2
The public comment period for the proposed changes to the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR) in Canada has officially closed with the publication of the regulations in Gazette 1. According to the regulatory timeline, the proposed changes will be published in Gazette 2 in approximately 6 to 9 months, at which point they will become law. Here's a breakdown of the background, key issues, objectives, and descriptions of the proposed changes: Background: The VORR regulates boating activities and navigation. Local authorities can apply for restrictions, but the process is lengthy and complex. Previous modernization efforts (Phases 1 & 2) addressed some issues but further streamlining was needed. Recent legislative changes to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (C
Ontario voters will soon be heading to the polls. We encourage all GBA members to question prospective MPP candidates' commitment to protecting the Great Lakes, particularly concerning issues affecting Georgian Bay. This is best done at “all candidates” meetings in your riding, but other meetings or approaches to individual candidates also provide an opportunity. Cottage owners and waterfront communities along eastern Georgian Bay substantially contribute to Ontario's economy. According to a 2022 GBA survey, our members collectively spend between $134 million and $144 million annually. Given that GBA members represent approximately 55 per cent of all Georgian Bay residents, the total expenditure by all waterfront property owners in the area is estimated to be around $244 million ann
Lake Michigan-Huron is now 11 inches below its level at this time last year. From a month ago the water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are down 3, 3, 9, 4 & 0 inches, respectively. Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie & Ontario are lower by 5, 11, 21, 14 & 9 inches, respectively, than they were at this time last year. Lakes St. Clair & Erie are 0 & 2 inches above their long-term January averages, and Lakes Superior, Lake Michigan-Huron & Ontario are 7, 7 & 4 inches below their long-term January averages. All the lakes remain well below their January record highs. In a month, Lakes Superior & Michigan-Huron are expected to fall by 2 & 1 inches, respectively. Lakes St. Clair, Erie
Amplifying Your Voice >>
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Water Quality >>
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TC Energy Pumped Storage Project at Meaford >>
Boating, Safety & Emergencies >>
Aquaculture on the Bay >>
Water Levels >>
GBA Amplifies Your Voice
Since 1916, we have taken a leadership role, advocating to all levels of government and other stakeholders to protect and preserve this precious and fragile freshwater ecosystem on behalf of 18 water-based communities on the eastern and northern shores of Georgian Bay. We advocate on a broad range of issues as your watchful eye on the Bay. GBA works to identify and address issues before they become problems.
Read our Value Proposition >>It's Snowmobile Safety Week and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) are urging all snowmobilers to prioritize safety. Over the past decade, 145 snowmobilers have died in OPP jurisdictions, with excessive speed, alcohol impairment, inattention, and lack of helmet use being the main causes. Frozen waterways are particularly dangerous, accounting for nearly 40% of fatalities. Riders are encouraged to avoid frozen lakes and rivers and use OFSC's trail network, supported by real-time status updates through the Interactive Trail Guide (ITG). Accessing closed trails is illegal. The OPP conducts snowmobile patrols and enforces safety through its Snowmobile, ATV, and Vessel Enforcement (S.A.V.E.) teams to reduce accidents and fatalities. O
A recent report from the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) reveals that sea lamprey populations have spiked in all five Great Lakes due to a significant reduction in control efforts in 2020 and 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The commission reports that the number of adult sea lampreys captured in 2024 was 8,619 more than the three-year pre-COVID average of 38,167 (2017-2019). The largest increases were observed in Lakes Superior and Ontario. Although still above target, lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie have seen flattening trends in abundance since treatments returned to pre-pandemic levels. The report also notes that elevated and variable adult sea lamprey abundances should be expected over the next year or two before turning back
What are sea lampreys and why are they problematic? Sea lampreys are an ancient form of a jawless fish with a toothed, funnel like mouth, that suck blood out of fish. They entered the Great Lakes through the St. Lawrence Seaway. During the 50’s, Lake Huron’s commercial fishing industry was verging on collapse. In particular, one of the most valued species, Lake Trout, a favorite sea lamprey meal, was nearing extinction. The good news is Lake Huron’s sea lamprey population (once the largest in the Great Lakes with over 700,000 in the 1940’s and 1950’s) has been declining. For example, in 2015 the population fell to 70,000, well below the target of 90,000 set by the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission (GLFC), established in 1954 to oversee a Great Lakes sea lamprey control
The message from traditional Indigenous teachings is that catch and release is disrespectful to the fish (it can also harm their ability to eat properly after they are released) and one should only fish respectfully, which includes eating the fish we catch. Now it seems there is another reason to question this practice. Some bass are smarter than we might think, learn to avoid lures and can pass that knowledge down through the generations! Who knew! - Read more here. -
What’s your name and what’s your connection to Georgian Bay? Sheila Williams and I (Celesta Bjornson) are the co-presidents of the Bay of Islands Association (BICA) and have been enjoying our summers in the Bay of Islands since we were toddlers. My family is from Pittsburgh and we originally found the Bay of Islands in the 1950s by vacationing at a fishing lodge called Moredolpton Lodge. Sheila's family is one of the founding families of the Bay of Islands. Her grandfather discovered the Bay of Islands in early 1900s while working on the lakers, travelling from southern Georgian Bay to the North Channel, transporting lumber back south. He fell in love with the area and purchased an island around 1924 and began building a cottage. Why is being a Guardian of the Bay important to yo
Luc Voorn is a cottager in the South Channel and a passionate advocate for Georgian Bay. He currently serves as the Membership Chairperson for the South Channel Association (SCA), Editor of the SCA “On the Waterfront” newsletter, and as Director, Friends of the Massasauga Park. This past summer (2019), he was nominated as a Guardian of Georgian Bay for his ongoing enthusiasm and efforts to protect and preserve the Bay. Note from Jamie Drayton, GBA Chair of Guardians of Georgian Bay Committee My Dad used to take us camping. His lure to get us to bathe was to promise us ice cream if we ran into the water first thing in the morning for a swim. I recall the water being absolutely freezing at 7 o’clock in the morning… I don’t recall ever getting any ice cream. A few years l
Boating from October through June offers a very different experience steeped in solitude and excellent fishing. It is a beautiful time to be on the water. But boating during this season also requires extra attention to detail and the ability to be self-sufficient given that there are fewer boaters around should you require assistance. Here are some helpful tips from the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) and the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters to make off-season boating safer for you. Check the weather forecast. The weather can change quickly and storms can be more violent. Fog is also more common. Ensure that your boat and engine are in good working order. Ethanol-based fuel can allow water contamination in the tank. The use of a fuel additive prevents water in the f
As nominated by Heather Sargeant My Phragbuster Hero About 5 or 6 years ago, at an event jointly put on by the Georgian Bay Association, Georgian Bay Forever, and featuring Dr. Gilbert, an ecologist with Phragmites expertise , I first learned about invasive Phragmites and the harm it can have on wetlands. I decided to investigate if Phragmites was a threat in Woods Bay (my favourite area of Georgian Bay), and that’s when my journey tackling this plant began. I wasn’t sure if a plant across from the family cottage was indeed the invasive type, and so I was nervous and queasy about leading people to help me cut it. What if it was the native plant, and I’d taken all these people out to cut down something benign? One of my neighbors told me there was a hero on Georgian
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is asking motorists to look out for vulnerable turtles on our roadways. Road surfaces provide an attractive source of warmth for these cold-blooded reptiles, particularly in the spring and early summer. During this time, turtles are mating and nesting; in late summer and early fall, newly hatched turtles are travelling from their nests to nearby wetlands. The Nature Conservatory of Canada has an informative video and tips for safely moving turtles. Watch the video and read the tips here.
Here are some things to think about around Fire Safety at the cottage: Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are present and working. Have a list of local emergency numbers posted for all to see. Include all pertinent cottage location information. Have the right fire extinguishers in the right places. Have an individual fire plan for evacuation. Make sure your plan has two escape routes. Respect local fire ratings. Have a fire pump and use it regularly to ensure it is in good working order. At the very least have a list of neighbours to call for assistance. Follow your association’s emergency plan if it exists. Make sure you have insurance. Make sure you understand what it covers and that it is adequate to rebuild and covers contents AND fire de
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has just released a useful guide on how to how we can all reduce our environmental footprints. Being a Guardian of the Bay also means doing what we can to reduce our individual consumption of carbon based fuels. - Here is a very good fact sheet and here is a full presentation on this topic. -
What’s your name and what’s your connection to Georgian Bay? Cory Kozmik, Anthony Laforge, Samantha Noganosh, Chevaun Toulouse. We are the Lands and Resource Department for Magnetawan First Nation, in Britt, Ontario. - Source: Magnetawan First Nation Our connection to the Bay is the dense biodiversity that it hosts and the role its ecology plays in our lives, including the environment. It is also where ancestors of the Anishinabek Nation walked and practiced each day what it means to live with the land in reciprocity. The connection to the land and water is sacred to the Anishinaabe culture, and held very close to the communities that inhabit the area. - Why is being a Guardian of the Bay important to you? We take great pride in being “Guardians” because it is our
Email us a photo so we can include it in our Instagram feed. If possible please include a location and description of your photo.