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Responsibilities of Cottage Owners who rent or lend cottage boats.

Andrew Hurlbut, GBA Director for Key River, has put together an excellent summary of the responsibilities a cottage owner needs to consider when renting or lending cottage boats.

Responsibilities of Cottage Owners who rent or lend cottage boats.
First, check with your insurance company – are there any issues?
If a cottage owner still chooses to make a boat available to a person renting a cottage they should be aware and ensure:

1) that anyone operating a boat with any type of motor must have proof of competency onboard for those that will operate the boat.
2) that the boat is sea worthy. Its against the law to knowingly allow any boat deemed unseaworthy to be taken out on the water.
3) that any boat with 10 hp or more is licenced with the proper markings on the bow and that the proper documentation is onboard.
4) that the boat has all required safety equipment onboard and that it is in good working order.
5) that it would be a good idea to include charts of the area, information about local marinas, and the numbers for the OPP and Coast Guard for assistance if needed.

Proof of Competency
The cottage owner must ensure that those who will be operating a power boat provided by the cottage owner have proof of competency. There are different forms of acceptable proof.
The most common form is the Pleasure Craft Operator Card.
For US citizens please note that Transport Canada has reciprocity agreements regarding competency with some US States.
From the Transport Canada Website : “For non-residents, proof of competency can take one of three forms:

  • A Canadian-issued pleasure craft operator card.
  • A completed boat rental safety check-list (for power-driven rental boats).
  • An operator card or equivalent that meets the requirements of their state or country.”

Its the cottage owners job to determine if competency requirements are met.
If there is any doubt contact Transport Canada.
the following links lists the acceptable proof of competency:

Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations:
Small Vessel Regulations:

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