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Remembering Bill Davis 1929-2021

With the passing of Bill Davis this past Sunday Canada lost a great statesman, Ontario lost a great and highly respected premier, and Georgian Bay lost a truly great friend.

“Dutch”, as he was known to his many friends, loved his family, his home and community in Brampton and his Cognashene cottage, which was his spiritual home, on Georgian Bay.

Bill approached the Bay the same way he approached politics – quietly and effectively. Never one to draw attention to himself or his deeds he was always available to offer a well weighted opinion or lend quiet advice if it meant the betterment of the Bay or his community. And because of that quiet community commitment most of us are unaware of just how many good deeds he helped make happen but happen they did because of the quiet stories people tell about how this or that came to be because they had worked on this or that project with Bill in the background. Bill was happy that the light and praise should fall on them because he was happy to help and in no hurry to take the credit.

We have lost a brilliant and humble man, an able politician, a deeply committed family man and a friend. Those who knew Bill were lucky to know him and those who didn’t were lucky to have him pulling for them in his quiet, capable way.

Thank you Bill for all the things you’ve done and for the many we didn’t even know about.

Read more about Bill’s legacy here.

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