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Ontario Municipal Election Readiness

Ontario Municipal Election October 22, 2018

Suggested Questions – Prospective Candidates – Mayors/Reeves & Councilors

We encourage all GBA members to question prospective municipal candidates for the upcoming Ontario municipal elections on their commitment to protecting Georgian Bay, providing the local services that you need and maintaining strong financial controls. Often your local community (cottage) association will interview candidates and make recommendations to their membership, but you may have the opportunity to ask questions directly yourself.

Accordingly, we have put together a number of suggested questions which we would ask you to consider:

  • The population of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is projected to grow by 41% from the current 7 million to 9.8 million by 2041 – over 100,000 each year. This growth will continue to bring significant development pressure to bear on Georgian Bay, particular in the southern parts of the Bay.
    • With regard to planning regulations, controls and enforcement within [XX – name of your municipality], which do you believe is more important – protecting the interests of property owners, or protecting the Georgian Bay ecosystem?
    • Following the replacement of the Ontario Municipal Board by the Local Planning Area Tribunal and the downloading of certain planning responsibilities to municipalities, what resources do you believe XX now needs to properly administer and control planning in XX? For instance do you think that Georgian Bay would benefit from a coordinated, consistent approach, such as establishing a planning resource that would provide expertise and knowledge for all Georgian Bay municipalities?
    • Do you agree with the current Official Plan (OP) and Comprehensive Zoning Bylaws (CZB) of XX or do you think they need to be improved? If so, what improvements will you be recommending?
    • Are you satisfied with the way XX administers and controls planning matters, including applications for variances, severances, and amendments to the OP/CZB? If not, what improvements would you recommend?
  • Do you believe that XX is providing sufficient support for the control and eventual eradication of the invasive plant species Phragmites (Australis), or do you think more could be done? If so, what additional actions do you think XX should be taking?
  • Do you believe that the waste and recycling services provided by XX are adequate, or do you believe they need to be improved? If so, what improvements would you recommend?
  • Do you believe that XX has good procedures in place regarding fire safety (such as timely introduction of fire restrictions at the appropriate level) and enforcement of bylaws (such as noise, fire, boat speed/wake)? If not, what improvements would you recommend?
  • Are you satisfied with the current measures/programs being undertaken by XX to help improve water quality in the township, including water quality testing and the inspection/maintenance of residential septic systems? If not, what additional action would you recommend?
  • There are many stakeholder groups in Georgian Bay that are active or reside in XX, including First Nations communities, community (cottage) associations, Georgian Bay focused organizations, other environmental bodies, and provincial and federal government agencies. Are you satisfied that XX is doing enough to work together cooperatively and productively with these stakeholders, or do you believe that improvements are needed, for instance in communications? If so, what improvements would you recommend?
  • Do you believe that the financial controls in place in XX are adequate and protect taxpayers from unnecessarily high taxes? What are your views on additional expenditure and potentially higher taxes to provide improvements to the services, protection etc. (see above questions) that taxpayers might want?
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