MNRF Fire Education Sessions Now Available
Parry Sound 033 last summer has reminded us that living in a wilderness environment does come with the risk of facing a wildfire. The seemingly drier summer conditions we have been experiencing and an ever increasing population of cottagers, visitors, and development activities can only increase the risk of fire. Many of our members want to know what they can do to lower the risks of fire at their properties and in their communities.
That’s where the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and their FireSmart program comes in. FireSmart is about living with and managing for wildfire. Preparing for the threat of wildfire is a shared responsibility. From homeowners, to industry, to government, we all have the responsibility to lessen the effects of wildfires. FireSmart educates us on preventative measures to reduce the threats of wildfire.
The MNRF, as part of their community outreach, is happy to make presentations to groups like our associations and their neighbours to educate the community about fire. If your group is interested in having them address your AGM or even a stand-alone session, please contact them to arrange a presentation. They can tailor the presentation to meet your time constraints, but we would suggest that allocating an hour or so would be a good place to start given the importance of the subject, the volume of information available, and the likelihood that there will be many questions.
Simon Ethier
Northeast Regional Fire Advisor and FireSmart Advisor
Please note that if you have specific questions it would be helpful to notify Simon in advance. Also note that there is a risk that the presentation may have to be postponed or cancelled if there are active forest fires and therefore more immediate demands for the MNRF personnel.
For more FireSmart Information
For more information on FireSmart go to the website at: https://www.firesmartcanada.ca/