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Phragmites Network

The Phragmites Network has been formed to provide a forum for discussion amongst representatives from each of the GBA associations. The purpose is to exchange information and ideas on the best practices for controlling and eradicating this invasive common reed that is raising much concern over its coastal effects along the shoreline, inlets, islands and marsh environments of eastern and northern Georgian Bay.

Committee Mandate:

Investigate and advise the GBA Board about Phragmites on the Bay.

To be a liaison for GBA with other organizations, including but not limited to; GBF, Ontario Phragmites Working Group and the MNRF; to help develop educational material and control/eradication and disposal protocols for property owners along the eastern and northern shores of Georgian Bay.


  1. To conduct background work that clarifies best management practices around the identification, control and eradication of Phragmites on Georgian Bay.
  2. To work with and partner with other like-minded organizations in order to accomplish this goal.
  3. To remain current on all legislation, existing and new that is explicit to the eradication of Phragmites on the eastern and northern shores of Georgian Bay.
  4. To present recommendations for Board action, together with rationales based on the research.

Committee Members

The Phragmites Working Group members are:

Georgian Bay Forever Heather Sargeant
12 Mile Bay Ray Boots
Bayfield Nares Frank Pointner
Bay of Islands Michael Dewson
Blackstone Lake Rob Moos
Cognashene Sandy Thompson
Honey Harbour Kathryn Davis
Key River TBD
Madawaska Club Kelly Killoran
Manitou Tom Pinkham
McGregor Bay TBD
Northern Georgian Bay TBD
Pointe au  Baril Scott Sheard

Jane Wilkins

Sans Souci Copperhead Tom Denune

Peter Andras

South Channel Peter Adams
Wah Wah Taysee TBD
West Carling TBD
Woods Bay Sue McPhedran (Chair)


Minutes of Phragmites Network Conference Calls: ; Click Here – June 2018 Minutes Click Here – June 2018 Notes

Report by Katherine Denune on Phragmites in South Township of the Archipelago: Click Here

GBA and GBF 2018 flyer on Phragmites: Click Here

Link to Georgian Bay Forever comprehensive information on Phragmites:

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