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Invasive Species

The Situation in Georgian Bay 

One of the major concerns in the Georgian Bay ecosystem is the impact of invasive species on species at risk and their habitats, as Georgian Bay is home to approximately 50 species at risk Species at Risk page. The presence and impact of invasive species are subject to change with climate change which makes this a very dynamic and ever-evolving issue. 

The Issue with Terrestrial Invasive Species 

Invasive species are one of the major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem health globally. Their introduction causes negative environmental, economic and social impacts. The following list highlights some of these negative impacts: 

  1. Disruption of local food chain 
  2. Outcompeting for resources 
  3. Habitat destruction 
  4. Disruptions in the nutrient cycles 
  5. Impacts on water quality 
  6. Introduction of disease 
  7. Impacts on forest and soil structure 
  8. Threats and impacts on endangered and/or culturally significant species 

Invasive species are able to rapidly establish themselves into new environments outside of their natural ranges. There are several reasons why invasive species are able to establish themselves quickly: 

  1. Lack of natural predators 
  2. Quick reproductive rates 
  3. Native species lack the defence mechanisms needed to combat them

In Ontario, the Invasive Species Act prevents and controls their spread.

Further Information Developed by the GBA 

The GBA is dedicated to providing our members with relative information on this topic. The following are website posts we have developed on this topic over the years. 

  1. Smallest National Park Looks to Eradicate Invasive Phragmites 
  2. GBA: Aquatic Invasive Species Webpage
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