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Waste Collection

Following tighter enforcement of waste collection management regulations by the province, GBA is helping to establish best practices for waste collection for Georgian Bay residents in areas where changes are needed. We aim to assist all coastal municipalities that need to become compliant and to ensure that a good quality, accessible, and convenient service is provided for both seasonal and permanent residents.

In 2019 the Ontario government required that municipal and district waste collection facilities become compliant. Currently the Township of the Archipelago has fully compliant waste collection facilities, but many municipal collection facilities along the coast are not. Township of Georgian Bay has until April 2021 to become compliant and deadlines for other coastal municipalities may be similar.

How is GBA involved?

  • GBA is examining the state of waste collection sites along the coasts and is currently working to facilitate the sharing of information among municipalities.
  • GBA is attempting to establish best practices and working on feasible solutions with municipalities that have compliance issues.
  • GBA will work to ensure that solutions (changes to the existing systems) include providing a practical, convenient, but cost effective, service for both seasonal and permanent residents.

How can you help?

  • Make sure you know the collection and recycling rules in your municipality and take the time to sort and properly dispose of garbage.
  • Share your ideas to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Support your municipality in becoming compliant with provincial regulations.
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