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Unsafe Boating Incidents are on the Rise this Summer

What is Happening Out There this Summer?

One family in two boats with kids travelling behind their parents were returning to their cottage.  As the kids’ boat turned the corner toward Harrison Rock channel, they encountered a bass boat, participating in a fishing derby, travelling full speed along the wall. Both the kids’ boat and the bass boat had to swerve quickly and significantly in order to avoid a collision. The person who shared this incident said it was a very close call, and the parents were terrified watching this.

Snapping turtle propped during a fishing derby

This fishing contest yielded several more complaints from canoeists, kayakers and small boat operators who also had scary encounters with fishing boats not following the rules and traveling at speeds upwards of five times the area limits. This careless behaviour also had an impact on local wildlife.

In a different part of the Bay, a boater shared this story: “We encountered three teen girls in an older small powerboat as we were travelling through Go Home, and they actually played chicken with us (we are a 42-foot sailing vessel). They repeatedly put their boat directly in our path and stopped — right in front of us — in a narrow channel. Our sailboat does not stop on a dime and there could have been a serious injury if we had not taken evasive maneuvers that very nearly put us in danger. I don’t think they had a clue the risk they were running.”

Reports of unsafe boating are up this year and we all know someone with a story. Speeding, dangerous driving, large wakes, passing on the wrong side, not yielding right of way, Facebook pages this summer are full of comments and concerns:


















These behaviours are all dangerous and will result in more people getting hurt!

However you choose to travel on Georgian Bay waters, safe and responsible boating is paramount for all our mutual enjoyment.

What Can We Do?

Navigation aids used on a typical Canadian waterway

Know, Understand and Follow the Rules! If you or your family members are new to boating or need a rule refresher, there are resources that can help. Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide can be found here and the Canadian Coast Guard has put together a helpful primer on navigation aids used on Canadian waterways as well as a  video. There are also a variety of courses offered through organizations like Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons and Canadian Safe Boating Council that will provide a solid foundation.

Be Considerate!

Georgian Bay is for Everyone is a simple guide to boating etiquette developed cooperatively by GBA and Boating Ontario.

Need to Reporting Boater Behaviour?

Reports can be made 24/7 to the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.

The OPP are prepared to follow up on reports of poor boater behaviour including dangerous driving, such as speeding through slow zones, slaloming PWCs through inner channels, drinking while driving and even environmental or pollution offences. The more information a caller can provide to the OPP the better, such as: exact location & time, and colour/style/name/license number of the boat(s) involved. Pictures are always helpful.

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