GBA 2021 - Summer Update

2 GBA UPDATE Summer 2021 Continued from page 1 and June 15. Third, it isn’t just motorboats that are potentially dangerous: almost 40 per cent of fatalities occurred in canoes alone. Finally, bad things can happen at any time: two-thirds of boating fatalities occurred when environmental conditions were clear. The increase in boating interest brought a lot of inexperienced boaters and a big increase in complaints to the OPP. Speed and aggressive operation complaints were the most prevalent. Inexperienced boaters were more problematic too – rental boats and operating in unfavourable conditions were far more common issues. If you are ever concerned about boating behaviour, report it to the OPP at 1-888-310-1122. The more information you can provide, the better. Pictures are great, as are boat registration numbers. However, if lives are being endangered, call 911. Wakes continue to be a problem, both in terms of safety and property damage. While boaters are responsible for their wakes and any damage caused by them, the OPP reminds us that property damage is a civil issue. Visit to learn more. And please check out Georgian Bay for Everyone , the GBA and Boating Ontario’s guide for respectful use of our waterways and our treasured shared environment. For more information visit OPP Enforcement In 2020, the OPP checked almost 50,000 vessels. While it is OPP policy to use education instead of enforcement where possible, it is inevitable that charges must be laid in certain circumstances. For a summary of the charges laid in 2020, see the sidebar. Border security duties also became a bigger part of the OPP’s responsibilities this past year as a greater number of Americans, unable to fly or drive across the border, arrived in Canada by boat. Going Forward The challenge facing the OPP is how to deliver safety messaging to inexperienced boaters. They will continue to increase their use of social media with a lifejacket campaign in July, a personal watercraft safety campaign in August, and a hypothermia/cold water campaign in October. We will keep you posted on all of these initiatives, but all three should always be top of mind. Each year, the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) conducts Safe Boating Awareness Week (May 22 – 28). The messaging is the same: wear your lifejacket, boat sober, be prepared, take a boating course, and be aware of cold-water risks. The CSBC shares some great information and resources here: Stay Connected Recently, the OPP started using an app called what3words to locate people who need help. The application works by dividing the planet into 57 trillion three-by-three metre squares, and assigning a unique three-word combination to each square. With your cell location services on, the app generates a three- word combination for your exact location. If you need to call 911, provide them with this unique three-word combination and emergency services will know exactly where to find you. Download the what3words app and familiarize yourself with it. Get the words for your cottage location and have family and guests memorize them. Away from the cottage, the app will generate the words for your current location, making it much easier for emergency services to find you. And even if you do not have the app when you dial 911, they can send you a link by text with the three words for your location. 5,254 251,992 2019 2020 Numbe r  of  Pleasure  Cra/ Operator  Cards  issued + 73% 9,680 Number  of  Pleasure  Cra/ Licence  applica8ons  in  2020 +53% from  2019 By  the  Numbers 1,567 Liquor-­‐related charges: OPP  Enforcement  Numbers 55 Impaired operaDon  charges: 1,778 7,773 Marine charges: Marine-­‐related warnings: 428 Charges: Environmental  protec8on,  cannabis,  or trespassing  infrac8ons 758 Warnings: 59 Criminal  code  charges (e.g.  dangerous  boa8ng,  the/) ≥ Drugs, alcohol, and boating don’t mix. If you get caught for impaired operation of a vessel, not only are you endangering lives, but it will also affect your car driver’s licence . ≥ Make sure your boat is properly outfitted with the required safety gear as laid out in the following guide: . ≥ Finally, and- and we cannot stress this enough - set a good example for family and friends: wear a PFD. Even if you are an experienced boater and a good swimmer, in an accident that doesn’t matter. The Messages Are Clear