GBA 2022 - Spring Update

4 GBA UPDATE Spring 2022 Meet Cosette Shipman, GBA’s New Coastal Protection Project Coordinator ≥ Monitoring the commercial development of floating cottages and working with local municipalities on potential responses. This is a difficult and complex issue because some floating homes are classified as vessels that fall under federal boating and navigable waters regulations. ≥ Joined many other non-government organizations to make a submission objecting to the use of Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) to fast-track developments and avoid environmental assessments, especially where wetland destruction is involved. Find out more about our coastal protection ideas and actions at Stay tuned for more details on the Coastal Protection Fund coming soon. Contribute your ideas and concerns on coastal protection by contacting GBA Executive Director Rupert Kindersley at I’m Cosette Shipman, GBA’s coastal protection coordinator. Born and raised in Parry Sound, I grew up exploring the local islands and shores of Georgian Bay and working summers at our family’s marina. My interests include camping, hiking, and travelling, and I have recently taken up sailing. I also enjoy watercolour painting and have a strong interest in using art and creative approaches to make science and research more accessible to the general public. With GBA, I am working on our coastal protection project, a comprehensive review and comparison of the current municipal strategic plans, official plans, and zoning bylaws of five municipalities along the eastern shore of Georgian Bay (Township of the Archipelago, Township of Georgian Bay, Township of Carling, Municipality of Killarney, and Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands). The project is aimed at determining the similarities and differences between the municipalities’ waterfront and environmental protections, in order to establish best practices and put forward recommendations for aligning the municipalities regarding environmentally responsible waterfront development. My educational background includes a Master of Water Security from the University of Saskatchewan and a bachelor degree in environmental science from the University of Guelph. I am also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship and completed my master’s research placement at the National Fisheries Resource Research Institute in Uganda. This involved research on water quality and harmful algal bloom in Lake Victoria. My career interests are to continue working on matters regarding the global Great Lakes systems, water quality protection, and watershed management. Continued from page 2 Photo: John Carson