GBA 2021 - Spring Update

5 GBA UPDATE Spring 2021 This would help to provide the best possible information to inform decision-making, as well as furnish understandable information for the general public. 6. Why is the historic range of water level fluctuations on Lake Michigan-Huron so much higher than the range on Lake Superior? The main determinants of this are topographical and hydrological differences between the two lakes that create more variability in precipitation and evaporation for Lake M-H due to three factors: This means that, for instance, when a storm passes through the Great Lakes area, there is a higher likelihood that the precipitation will fall on M-H’s larger drainage basin and surface area, meaning proportionally more water could be absorbed into the system. In addition, any of the precipitation that falls on Lake Superior will also eventually make its way down into Lake M-H. Accordingly, Lake M-H’s water level fluctuations are primarily due to these structural differences. They are not materially affected by the actions of the International Lake Superior Board of Control or the IJC, or by Plan 2012. A fuller explanation of this can be found on page 17 of the synopsis of the water levels symposium at: symposium-2020/ 7. After the symposium, GBA and GBF met with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and determined that any adjustments at Long Lac/Ogoki are subject to two comprehensive water management plans that were put in place in 2002 to manage the Long Lac/Ogoki watershed. Since Lake Superior water levels are not considered in these plans, it has not been possible to make any adjustments at this control structure over the last 18 years, even with a minister’s order, as an order cannot be used to unilaterally amend the water management plans. Further, since it is probable that only minor adjustments could be negotiated, it might not be worthwhile to pursue such changes given the minimal impact they would have. 8. However, it may be possible to make adjustments at the Chicago diversion provided the impacts are manageable and acceptable. FoodCycler is a food waste recycler that processes your food waste in hours . About the si z e of a bread machine , it operates anywhere with a plug and reduces food waste weight / volume by 9 0 %, leaving you with a dry , sterile , and odourless soil amendment . No more smells , pests , or unappealing food waste in your garbage . Once processed , soil amendment can be used for gardening or transferred to a municipal green bin . Even if placed in the garbage , you ’ ve reduced your waste by 9 0 % and transformed it into a format that won ’ t decompose and release harmful methane gases . The Easy Compost Alternative for GBA Members WORRIED ABOUT BEARS GETTING INTO YOUR COMPOST PILE ? RATHER NOT HAUL SMELLY FOOD WASTE FROM PLACE TO PLACE ? WANT TO REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT BY WASTING LESS ? CONTACT GBA @ FOODCYCLER . COM TO CLAIM THIS OFFER OR VISIT THE GBA MEMBER BENEFITS PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION . The FoodCycler Plus package includes the Basic package , PLUS an additional Grinding Bucket , Bucket Lid & 2 extra Filter Sets ! The FoodCycler Basic package includes the FoodCycler , a single Grinding Bucket & a Filter Set $ 350 $ 450 Continues on page 6 1) The ratio of Lake M-H’s drainage basin to surface water area is much larger than Lake Superior’s 2) The surface water area of Lake M-H is 43% larger than Superior’s 3) Lake Superior has no upstream water basin