GBA Flipping Book - Spring 2020
9 ≥ GBA UPDATE Spring 2020 by 1,000 MW per hour for up to 8 hours per day, which would significantly reduce current CO 2 emissions. 2. By capturing excess power that would otherwise be wasted, and releasing it when needed at peak times, the project could enhance the efficiency, flexibility, reliability and security of the Ontario electricity supply system. It could also provide back-up power during grid disruptions and better integrate other power generation facilities in the province. Collectively this grid balancing could reduce costs of electricity for Ontario consumers by an estimated $250 million per year. Potential Negative Impacts The main negative impacts that may arise include: 1. The water intake could entrain (kill) 1-10 million fish per year. TCE believes that by adding additional mitigation initiatives it could reduce fish kill to 1 million fish per year for its project, but environmental assessments are needed to confirm this. 2. The outflow would very likely disturb significant quantities of lakebed sediment and bring sediment down from the reservoir that would be dispersed over a very large area of Georgian Bay. Given that DND has used this site as a training facility and firing range for decades, this raises concerns over the release of various pollutants, including heavy metals, into the nearby waters. 3. The huge outflow from TCE’s reservoir could warm the water over a wide area, disrupt water currents in Georgian Bay, and destroy fish habitat near the outflow. All of these effects could significantly impact fish habitat, particularly for those species that move along the shore. 4. There are 11 animal species at risk onshore at this location whose habitat would very likely be destroyed or severally compromised, both from the construction activity and the permanent flooding of 375 acres on the Niagara Escarpment to create the reservoir. The endangered butternut tree also grows on the site. 5. While most of the hydro lines needed to connect to the grid in Collingwood would be constructed along existing power corridors (with minimal impact), new sections will be required. These will likely cause some ecosystem damage, along with habitat disruption or destruction. Alternatively, a large underwater cable might be laid that would further disrupt lakebed sediment and potentially the local marine environment. Additional Information Save Georgian Bay Save Georgian Bay ( ) has a petition underway with over 19,000 signatures to date. The group has assembled relevant engineering, environmental consultancy, and biologist skills to back up their opposition to this project. Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) TCE have entered into discussions with SON – uploads/2019/11/TC-Energy-Comm-Info-Sess-Booklet- WEB.pdf TCE & GBA Websites For information posted by TCE and GBA about the project, see: storage-project/ and
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