GBA Flipping Book - Spring 2020

10 ≥ GBA UPDATE Spring 2020 S ince the last UPDATE in September, GBA has been active on your behalf on a diverse range of issues. In addition to the coastal protection matters covered in this issue, GBA took action on many other fronts, including: Macey Bay Trailer Park Development – Species at Risk The developer for this proposed project submitted an application in the name of a sister company for a permit to damage and destroy habitat for Blanding’s turtles, foxsnakes and whip-poor-wills at this site. Fortunately, this was detected just before the comment period expired. Local groups and all your other Georgian Bay organizations sprang into action at very short notice to assist GBA in putting together a comprehensive submission, which sharply criticized every significant element of this application to demonstrate why the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) should not issue the permit. See: https://georgianbay. ca/news/gba-responds-to-proposal-from-macey-bay- developer-to-destroy-species-at-risk-habitat Aquaculture In the last issue I summarized GBA’s submission on the proposed federal Aquaculture Act that we filed in December (see: issue/cage-aquaculture-submissions/ ) I also reported that Ontario is renewing fish farm lincenses for 20 years, rather than the previous five years, without allowing for public consultations or thorough environmental assessments. For more information, see the GBA letter to the MECP - item G on the previously noted webpage. GBA reached out to First Nation groups to ensure they are aware of the licensing proposals and have been properly consulted. We are also working with Ecojustice to press the issue with government. GBA raised our concerns about aquaculture with both the US and Canadian government officials at the December Great Lakes Executive Committee (GLEC) meeting, which deals with the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.  Wiikwemkoong Fishing Islands Land Claim Settlement In the last issue we provided a comprehensive summary of the status of this land claim. Since then GBA submitted a detailed response to the province’s Environmental Study Report (ESR) on the proposed settlement. GBA supports this land claim settlement. This submission addresses the past failures of the Ontario government’s process for pursuing the settlement. For more information see: https://georgianbay. ca/news/wiikwemkoong-islands-boundary-claim- settlement ED’S ADVOCACY REPORT The following table summarizes some of the other issues we have been engaged on since the last edition of UPDATE: Month Issue Details September Apparent disconnect between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and municipal fire ratings. A meeting with MNRF in Sudbury provided many insights on the restrictions on commercial activities when the fire risk is high, but we were unable to persuade them to be more conservative on their fire ratings. October submission-on-the-provincial-policy- statement-review Provincial Policy Statement Review proposed changes to aggregates extraction, boundary adjustments, wetland offsets, climate change directives, and certain septic systems. GBA submitted comments to request that the proposed changes do not override protections for water resources, wetlands, woodlands, farmland and wildlife habitat. October regulations-are-coming-on-the-use- and-selling-of-live-bait-in-ontario/ Review of Ontario MNRF bait fish regulations. GBA made a submission to MNRF to strengthen the provisions to prevent transfers of invasive species and diseases between water bodies as a result of bait practices. November gba-asks-ontario-government-to- reconsider-proposed-changes-on- environmental-protections Ontario’s Omnibus Bill 132 and related legislation proposed the reduction of environmental protections in favour of industry. GBA supported Ontario Rivers Alliance, Ontario Nature, and Environmental Defense’s submissions regarding exposure to toxins, use of pesticides, enforcement of polluters, permits to take water, impacts of hydro operations, groundwater quality, aggregate extraction and risks to human health. December Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMC) – Annex 3 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). GBA supported the Canadian Environmental Law Association recommendations for enhancing the screening criteria for CMC nominations. December works-with-foca-to-ask-for-the- hydro-seasonal-rate-class-to-be- maintained Possible elimination of the Hydro One seasonal rate class. The Ontario Electricity Board (OEB) wants to eliminate it, but Hydro One has requested it be retained. An opportunity arose for the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association (FOCA) to make a submission as an OEB-registered intervenor. GBA worked with FOCA on their submission, helped them meet a tight deadline for their comments, and wrote to support their submission.  January Henvey Inlet fire Freedom of Information request for a copy of the fire investigation report. This has now moved into adjudication and GBA continues to coordinate with Dave Seglins at CBC and the local Key River Area Association group led by Jean Burke. January works-with-safe-quiet-lakes-to-limit- excessive-boat-noise Boat noise reduction legislation proposal by Safe Quiet Lakes – the Decibel Project. GBA is working with Safe Quiet Lakes, who are proposing to duplicate in Canada the successful legislation in place in the EU and many US states to reduce boat noise levels that disturb our peaceful cottage experience. By Rupert Kindersley, Executive Director