GBA - 2019 Spring Update

Vol. 29 No. 1, Spring 2019 Guardians of the Bay: Magnetawan First Nation Lands & Resources Dept.........................................................7 ED’s Advocacy Report.......................10 H 2 O 2018: Promoting Actions to Protect our Water.........................4 President’s Message .........................13 Upcoming Events...............................14 News and I nformat i on f rom the Georg i an Bay Assoc i at i on INS IDE : Don’t Smoke Dope in Your Canoe and other Boating Tips PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PM # 40038178 GBA U P D A T E Your Voice On The Bay By Andrew Hurlbut, Chair of Boating, Safety & Emergencies and Director for Key River Association and Rupert Kindersley, Executive Director GBA Firefighting Actions Responding to the Henvey Inlet Fire Photo credit: Craig Bowden, CCA T oday’s forecast: Hotter, dryer summers and for longer periods each year. That’s what we need to be prepared for if climate change and global warming predictions are correct and, year on year now, we see evidence that this is the reality that we face. Water access only Georgian Bay properties are especially vulnerable to climate change because with increasing temperatures comes higher incidences of fire outbreaks. There is no fire service that will get to you quickly enough to save your cottage, even if your municipality offers a fire service. That’s why we need to develop a mindset and a plan to protect ourselves and our properties from fire. From July 19 th last year into early August the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) fire-fighters, helped by many others that came from far and wide, did an excellent job containing the Henvey Inlet Fire. But that was all they were able to do – contain it. And that is all they will ever be able to do for water access only properties on the coast and islands of the Bay. GBA Adopts New Quality Recycled Paper for UPDATE Continues on page 2