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Brushing up on Boating Safety

The time will soon be upon us to get out onto the water again. And that makes this a great time to brush up on our boating safety knowledge. Whether its a refresher or learning for the first time for yourself or your families or your guests the following resources can be of value.

Here are two apps that people should check out.

1) The Discover Boating Safety App at
This site also has information on books and magazines and DVDs on many boating topics.

2) The BoatNotes App at

Transport Canada also has on line resources.

1) Safe Boating Guide ( with more than 120,000 hits its the most visited item on the TC website )

2) Passport : Boating Safety for Anglers and Hunters

Safe Quiet Lakes Boating Code
The SQL group has worked hard on focusing on education for responsible boating. The following is the code they came up with.
Canadian Safe Boating Council
Lots of great information here too including their annual safety campaigns which focus on education, life jackets, sober boating and cold water safety.

Take a boating course. And make sure your have your proof of competency card- you can do the test online. There is a lot of great information out there. This is just a sample.
And the more we know the safer and more enjoyable boating will be.


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