GBA - Summer 2019

9 ≥ GBA UPDATE Summer 2019 North and West of the French River? Call 310-FIRE (3473) ≥ This is the emergency phone number that alerts the MNRF to forest fires in Ontario. REMEMBER: The MNRF does not fight structure fires. If you have a structure fire call 911 first. What GBA Associations are Doing Municipally organized fire response varies dramatically. West Carling has full 911 road and fire boat response, other associations have limited support, while others have no support at all. But even those that have some degree of official response note that help might not arrive fast enough. That means that GBA member associations often need to help fill in the gaps to help protect their neighbours. There are three main ways that associations are meeting this need: first, by providing ready access to fire pumps; second, by keeping track of where pumps are located; and third, by arranging some kind of emergency alert system to get pumps out to fires as soon as possible. Fire Pumps Some associations have municipally owned fire pumps. Other associations have purchased pumps for community use. And in some areas, the community relies on privately owned pumps that are brought by their owners to fires or volunteered for use in their absence. The advantage to incorporating private pumps into a community fire response plan is that it can increase the number of fire pumps nearby and readily available, and thereby shorten response time. If you are interested in purchasing your own fire pump, make sure it has the capabilities you need, as not all water pumps are appropriate for use in fire suppression. It may also be worthwhile to arrange, either as neighbours or association members, to buy several pumps at once, as dealers may be open to volume discounts. And getting the same fire pump model likely makes sense so that parts, including hoses, are interchangeable. Locating Fire Pumps Knowing where fire pumps are located is crucial. Some associations publish lists or location maps. Know where your community’s pumps are located. Source: Cognashene Cottagers’ Association Saving Lives #1 : Electrical current will travel through a solid stream of water, which can be fatal. If your building is on fire, call 911, then Hydro One to request an “emergency disconnect” of your hydro transformer. A Hydro crew will then be sent to your site to disconnect the power. Flipping the master switch in your hydro “fuse panel” – if it can be done safely - may be helpful but is not sufficient to ensure your safety. Know your account number. It’s located directly under your name and address on your bill. Record your account info in your personal fire plan/smartphone. If your cottage uses solar power, there are specific considerations you should keep in mind in case of fire. We recommend consulting with your solar installer. Saving Lives #2: If people in your community know cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR ), other first aid skills, own equipment like an automated external defibrillator (AED) or a spinal board, make it known to your board and build it into your call list. Nozzle Knowledge Whatever your reason for purchasing a fire pump, make sure you or your association purchase both a digging nozzle AND a fogging nozzle with your pump. A digging nozzle goes after fire between rocks and cracks. A fogging nozzle is for fighting structural fires when electricity is present. Remember to stand at least 10 metres back, spray in a 30-degree pattern, avoid water pooling, and avoid spraying of wires. Know if there is propane, gas or other flammables nearby. For a guide to electrical hazards during fire suppression go to: https://www. trainers-corner-hydro-guide-for-first- responders-1880 Emergency Alert System Identify nearby neighbours with pumps who you can call – program these numbers into your phone. Two GBA associations have encouraged their members to build their own fire phone trees. Centrally managed phone trees provide a primary number in an emergency. The first person calls the next person on the tree, and so on. If the first person doesn’t answer, the next person on the list is called until someone is reached. This gets the word out quickly. If your association covers Continues on page 10 Source: Princess Auto: Honda GX200 (Example Only) Figure 1: Digging Nozzle (left) and Fogging Nozzle (Right) Source: McGregor Bay Association